Singing Guide: Leon Patillo

Singing Guide: Leon Patillo

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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How to Learn Singing Like Leon Patillo: Tips and Resources

Leon Patillo, a former lead singer with Santana, is an American gospel singer who blends soul, R&B, funk, and pop into gospel music. Patillo is known for his smooth vocal tones and soulful delivery, as well as his use of contemporary styles in gospel music.

If you want to learn singing like Leon Patillo, there are several tips and techniques you can try, along with Singing Carrots' vast array of learning resources. Here are a few of them:

Improve your vocal range

To sing like Leon Patillo, you must have an excellent vocal range. Singing Carrots' Vocal range test will help you find your vocal range, and then compare it with Patillo's vocal range. This knowledge is vital in determining whether you're a natural candidate to learn singing patterns similar to Leon Patillo.

Use contemporary vocal techniques

Patillo blends pop, funk, and R&B styles into gospel music, and it has become a part of his signature sound. To sing like him, you need to incorporate some contemporary vocal techniques such as Heavy Modal, Twang, and Belting, into your singing.

Singing Carrots' Contemporary Vocal Techniques article explains vocal techniques and how to use them to improve your singing. The article also helps to adopt vocal distortions and growling into your singing style.

Study his songbook

Patillo has released multiple chart-topping songs, including "J.E.S.U.S", "The Sky's the Limit", and "Flesh of My Flesh". By studying his songs, you can learn about the way Patillo executes melodic phrases, handles complicated tonal shifts, and utilizes vocal dynamics.

Singing Carrots' Song search feature is an excellent tool to find songs similar to Leon Patillo's style and within your vocal range. The Song-book feature of Singing Carrots helps you link lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio, making it easy to learn and practice Patillo's tunes.

Pay attention to Patillo's vocal technique

Patillo is known for his warm and smooth vocals. He applies vibrato, a technique in which the singer produces a sustained note with a slight oscillation in pitch, to add an emotional quality to his singing. Patillo also uses chest voice, a technique that emphasizes fuller, warmer, and rounder tones within the lower part of the vocalist's vocal range.

Singing Carrots' Singing with vibrato article explains what vibrato is and why it's used in music. Additionally, this article explains how to add vibrato to your singing and how to use it as a tool for expression.

Singing Carrots' Chest Voice Explained video also explains the Chest Voice technique that Leon Patillo uses, and how you can use it in your singing.

Take care of your voice

Vocal health is paramount for any singer, and Leon Patillo is no exception. Patillo constantly focuses on maintaining his voice to the highest standards.

Singing Carrots' Vocal health article provides practical tips to prevent damage to your voice due to unhealthy singing habits. In this article, you will learn about preventative measures to combat dehydration, acid reflux, and toxic substances that impair your vocal health.

It is important to understand Patillo's music and vocal technique if you want to sing like him. Using the techniques and resources provided by Singing Carrots on how to learn singing like Leon Patillo, you can enhance your singing skills and give your music a dynamic boost.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.